Month: October 2012

Happy Halloween

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A Delicate Gift would like to wish you a Happy and Safe Halloween!  This year my husband and I get to take my son Trick or Treating for the first time. Last year he was just too small and even this year he will likely not understand the fun of going door to door showing […] Read more…

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Mommy Play Date Cards

| Stationery

Now in my shop are these adorable Mommy Play Date cards. Perfect size to tuck into your purse or diaper bag. These unique 2 inch Play date/calling cards make a great first impression when connecting with new friends. Use them to make play dates while at the playground, for your own home based business or […] Read more…

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Supporting March of Dimes

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Today we are proud to hand March of Dimes (working together for stronger, healthier babies) Gift Certificates towards A Delicate Gift services or shop items to auction off at their Tasting for Tots and the Signature Chef’s Auction.  This organization has a special place in my heart as premature and preterm labor hits very close to […] Read more…

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2012 Printable Holiday Cards NOW AVAILABLE

| Holiday Cards, My Shop

I have been busy designing a few printable holiday cards for my shop. I had so many ideas that I decided to do a variety of designs rather than stick to one design for my clients. You can now visit my shop to purchase these designs and more. A special thank you to some friends […] Read more…

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